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All data is from Michigan’s Center for Educational Performance and Information, Use of Seclusion and Restraint: ISD School Year Totals from multiple years (accessed August 28, 2024).

Data Discrepencies.png

What can we learn from Wayne, Macomb, Kent, and Kalamazoo?

Why are students in Ottawa and Washtenaw being secluded and restrained at higher rates than elsewhere in Michigan?

Data Discrepancies

Population Compairson 2023-24 SY.png
S&R Graph 2017-2024.png

Alarming Rates

>120 times per day

93% used on students with disabilities

No justification for use of seclusion

Seclusion Graph 2017-2024.png

33 districts reported using seclusion or restraint at least once a day on average

Highest Daily Use 2023-24 SY.png

For many students, being secluded or restrained is a  monthly, weekly, or even daily experience.

Individual Student Experience 2023-24 SY.png
EndSaR New Logo.png
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